Crosby Training July Update!
It’s summertime, and we’ve got lots of courses available for you to get stuck into. Get Smart is back up and running at our Covid-secure Bootle site, St Hughs House. The next programme begins on the 16/07/2021 and gives all learners the opportunity to gain qualifications in Employability Skills, Customer Service and Digital Skills. Completing learners will also be eligible for £200 worth of funding, which can be used to purchase interview clothes and other necessities. Those who elect to take up the digital aspect of the programme will be offered a free tablet computer, allowing them to more effectively complete job search online.
Experience Counts is returning in Toxteth and there are still some places free if you want to book in! The Covid-19 pandemic has forced so many people to lose or leave their jobs, so this programme is designed specifically to help workers who have experience in the workplace but have struggled to re-enter the market. We’ll help you improve your CV so that you are better able to self-market your skills and provide you with services – like free salon makeovers – to build up your self-esteem and get you ready to speak to employers with confidence.
We’ll have even more courses coming later in the month so keep checking back for more news.